The land of the Ceylon tea - Sri Lanka

Excitement ran in the air the moment the decision was made to take a short vacation to Sri Lanka. I still remember how I was jumping with joy, with the very thought of exploring a new country. My birthday was due in 2 weeks, and planning to visit an unexplored country by us on my birthday was the best gift I could have asked for. Apart from me and my husband, our co-friend, or you can say a good friend of ours was also a part of the plan. Since my husband had a hectic work schedule, it was left up to me and our friend to decide the itinerary. And trust me, I am very good at organizing and making arrangements(not boasting), so is our friend.
If it was not for the internet it would have not been possible for me to search for the places I wanted to visit in Sri Lanka. While I was browsing the locations, our friend was contacting the travel and tourism agencies in Sri Lanka via emails and calls. It was a time consuming affair, but we loved it. Everyday, there would be discussions on budget, hotels, tourist destinations etc. amongst the 3 of us. Finally, our friend got the best deal and we fixed it. The travel agency sent an itinerary, which we customized as per our preferences. The day for the trip was nearing. We booked the flights, small shopping was done of the things we wanted to carry with us, like the toiletries, cosmetics etc. Our friend went one step ahead and shopped clothes for himself to wear for the trip. That was the level of excitement we all had.
The day of making the trip at last arrived. We packed our bags a day ahead, just to make sure that it was not heavy and we took everything, because last minute packing is something I don't like. We were content with the arrangements we had made, and with all the enthusiasm we reached the airport. We got the money converted into Sri Lankan rupees from one of the exchange counters at the airport. We were just too happy about the trip we were going to make, and I guess it was evident on our faces, because the smiles just didn't seem to fade from our lips. The security check was done, luggage's were checked-in, immigration was cleared, we strolled the duty free and bought few eatables and chocolates for us to munch during the trip. Meanwhile, gates to the flight waiting area opened, we went in and sat till the boarding announcement was made, which seemed to take eternity. Then the speakers crackled and we heard a voice, informing the passengers that the boarding gates are now open. That was a big relief from all the patient waiting we had to do.
At last, we boarded the flight. It was a 5 hour flight, non-stop. We chose to take a night flight as we didn't want to waste a day travelling, instead added it to exploring. The journey seemed never-ending. All the hectic planning and shopping had made us tired. So this was the best time to take some rest and rejuvenate our body, for the fun and action that was to take place in the next few days. In short, we slept during our flight. Early in the morning we reached Colombo. We waited in line to get off the plane, then stood in a short line to the immigration to get the visa stamped.  Just so you know, you need to visit this website -  and fill in the necessary forms, and pay the fees to get your visa online. It saves your time and money from running to Embassy's or any travel agencies. The immigration officer at the counter was very pleasant and welcoming, which was definitely a surprise, because to the few countries that I have travelled to, I didn't come across any such good encounter. There began my positive experience or the mental note I made of the country and its citizens. After collecting the passports, we walked towards the baggage carousel. It was moving in a smooth pace like the merry-go round carrying children in it. Amidst the various colours and sizes of baggage's we spotted ours and picked it up, loaded it on the trolley and with full zeal walked towards the green line exit. Outside the airport, there were many people waiting with placards, bouquets etc. Our friend said that we were expecting a placard with his name on it. It took some time for us to find it, but we did. We then approached the guy, and immediately he rushed forward to extend a hand shake and pick up our luggage's. After the warm welcome, he took us to the car that was waiting for us, and which would be our mode of transportation for the next 4 days. The thrill of stepping into a new land was crazy. I began clicking photographs right from the time we stepped out of the airport. Now nobody could stop me from my frenzy.
I will now take you through the itinerary that was prepared as per our choice.

1.  Colombo airport ---> Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage : The drive to our resort from the airport was a long one, so we had stopped at Pinnawala for breakfast and also to check out the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage -
The travel from Colombo  airport to Pinnawala took us approximately 2hrs and we reached by 7-8 am. The driver cum guide could manage to speak English decently, and since he was a local'ite who spoke Singhalese, the native tongue of Sri Lanka, our journey was effortless in terms of  communication. The hotel we stopped at, was by the Maha Oya river. The view was excellent. The table was spread with bread toasts, tea cups, plates, knifes, forks, spoons, marmalades, butter, tea pot, milk, sugar, fruits and juices. It was appealing to the eyes. With the raging hunger, we filled our plates and stomach equally, while the aroma of the fresh Ceylon tea brewing filled our senses. The rippling sound the river made as it hit the rocks was a music to our ears.

Ceylon tea
The hunger satisfying breakfast

The guide has informed us that in some time a herd of elephants with its mahouts would be brought to the river to bathe. To witness all the action, we waited at the hotel after our breakfast. By then lots of tourists had gathered by the watching area. In an hour or so, the rumbling sound of the elephants were heard. We knew that they were marching down. First we caught a glimpse of an average sized elephant, followed by 2-3 such more. Then came the little ones. The calf's were so cute and adorable, that kids and adults equally wanted to touch it, and pamper it. I believe you could so, by paying few dollars or Sri Lankan rupees to the mahouts. The elephants then got into the river and started having some fun, while the tourists clicked some pictures.
After capturing some shots of the amazing animals, we walked towards the Elephant orphanage - . There one could see different sizes of the beast. From calf's to old elephants, they were some 100 in hundred in number. If you want to feed them, there was a separate stage set for it with timings and fees. The herd of elephants not chained, and grazing freely was a rare sight to watch.

Elephants having fun at the Maha Oya river

Tourists feeding the calf

The elephant orphanage at Pinnawala

2.  Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage ---> Kassapa Lions Rock Resort : After marvelling at the huge animals, we resumed our journey to the resort. The road was tarred well to some distance, after which it was bumpy and seemed like a dirt road. Orange mud and dust flied everywhere till we again reached a proper road. The scenery was that of trees and small houses, with kids playing, goats bleating, adults working, and cars passing by. After another 2hrs and 15 mins in the car, we reached our destination - Kassapa Lions Rock Resort in Digampathaha - Kimbissa.   by around 12pm. The journey had made us a bit tired, so we stretched our hands and legs as soon as we stepped out of the car. The resort was sprawled in a huge acre of land. The people at the reception were friendly and helpful. The bell boy led us to our small cottage, which was just one amongst the many that were on the plot. We passed by many tourists relaxing on their verandah with cigarettes and beer. Everyone seemed to be relaxing and having fun in their own way. We reached our cottage, and the bell boy opened the door for us and welcomed us in. The room was spacious and neat. The lighting was just perfect with beautiful paintings hanging on the wall. The bathroom was large and clean. I just loved the whole environment.

Lions rock cottage
At every turn and curve of the pathway, there were vast bowls with flowers or white lotus in it. The fresh air, green grass and trees, cool breeze was so relaxing. The resort was a treat to the eye. Everything about it was good. The food, the people, the service, etc. The stay there was really unwinding.

3.  Kassapa Lions Rock Resort ---> Sigiriya Rock : After refreshing ourselves and having lunch, we started on our next destination the same day. The time must have been around 2.45pm. The distance to Sigiriya rock was short, approximately 10 mins. . The guide had told us that it would be an exhilarating climb up and down the rock, and it would take approximately 3hrs. So we were mentally ready to take the step forward. He also gave us the location of where he would be waiting for us after we reach the bottom of the rock. So buying the tickets, we marched forward with courage in our hearts and song on our lips.

Sigiriya rock
The sun was shining bright which made us wear our hats. The climb up was on a steep set of iron steps with railings which trembled a bit due to the weight of humans using it. After the 1st 15 mins. climb, we reached a narrow cave with fresco paintings on its walls. Truly delicate, beautiful and colorful it was. After clicking some pics. of it we moved forward, and began our ascend. The next pit stop came after another15 mins. Thankfully, the land was flat and had some ruins of walls where we could sit and catch up with our breath. After about 5 mins. we again began our climb up to the top of the rock. This time the stairs were so steep and narrow, that only one person could climb at a time. As we reached higher the view below was amazing and scary at the same time. It took us 10 mins. to reach the top cautiously.

Cave paintings
The resting place
Stairs to the top of the rock 
The view from the top of the rock

The view from the top of the rock was just enchanting. The sunset was a splendid sight to watch. Before darkness engulfed the day, we started our descend. It was equally difficult like the ascend. By the time we reached down, the lights were fading out. It was dark when we exited the gate. The only thing to keep in mind is that we don't reach the same gate from where we entered. The exit path and gate is different. So chances of getting lost is high, hence you need to be careful about that.
As we were sure that we had reached a different gate, we called our guide and told him the location after asking a stranger the name of the place. After 15-20 minutes our car arrived and we hopped in happily after a tiring day. Back to the resort, we ordered our dinner, and off we dozed off, because we had to wake up early in order to check out from the resort, and start for our next destination.
4.  Kassapa Lions Rock Resort ---> Golden temple/Dambulla Cave temple : We were a bit sleepy as we sat in the car and drove towards our next sight seeing location. The distance was not much, it took us about 30 mins. to reach the place. It was a feeling of peace and serenity as the statue of golden Buddha loomed over us. Tourists flocked excitedly with cameras in their hands, while some were in groups listening attentively to their guide about the history. After clicking some shots, we decided to climb again, this time to explore the Dambulla Caves. .

Golden temple, Dambulla

Steps to the Dambulla Cave Temple
The rugged path to the cave

Dambulla Caves

The climb uphill was a bit rugged due to the un-uniform rocks that paved its way. With all the energy we had in us, we made it to the top. The white painted walls of the caves were just soothing to the eyes. It was a long cave, so we took time to explore each one patiently. Silence was observed well inside. The Buddha statues were in different poses - sitting, standing, & lying on its side. It was not brightly lit, but was enough to understand the meaning of what Buddha preached. It appeased our body and mind. It was cool within the caves, while outside the sun was shining bright, making it difficult to stand on the rocks for a long time. We wanted to dissolve in the serenity of the atmosphere, so we sat down on the parapet of the walls for sometime before we could begin our descend.
Inside the Dambulla caves
5. Dambulla Cave temple ---> Paramount Spice Garrden, Matale : The next stop on our way to Kandy was the Paramount Spice Garden in Matale . It took us about 2hrs & 15 mins to reach there. The aroma of the spices reached our nose the moment we entered the spice garden. For every tourist that arrived, there was a guide to explain the species of the plants with its Botanical names. It was an enriching experience. At the end of the tour, there was a store full of their products i.e. spices, honey, sandalwood oil, and few more.

The Vanilla plant

Cocoa tree

Nutmeg tree
6. Paramount Spice Garden, Matale ---> Serene Garden hotel, Kandy : After whiffing in some aroma of the spices and oils, we got in the car on our way to Kandy. The journey to our hotel took us approximately 30mins. - 1hr. Hunger had claimed us by now, so we refreshed ourselves, had our lunch and stepped out to watch the cultural show of the natives at Kandyan Art Association . It was an average size auditorium by the lake side, which had a seating capacity of around 300-400. It was full with tourists from various parts of the world. We had our seats reserved by our guide, which luckily happened to be in the front row. The show began at the right time -5.30pm. Young men and women entered the stage dressed in vibrant colors, and began entertaining the audience with their folk dance. They danced to the beat of the instruments played by the men. Apart from dance, there were men who swallowed and spewed fire, rubbed fire on their body and did some stunts. All the while, the performers had a smile on their lips. There was thunder of claps by the end of the show. By the time we stepped out, it was getting dark. Having no other program for the day, we got back to the hotel and retired for the night.

The peacock dance

Playing with fire

The youth playing the drums/dholak
The performers posing before exiting the stage

7. Serene Garden Hotel, Kandy ---> Sri Dalada Maligawa or Temple of the sacred Tooth relic :
This temple is not far from the hotel. We reached there in about 15 mins. From the moment you step inside the premises of the temple, history stares at you from every angle. There is a lot to read and understand from its paintings on the wall about the arrival of the tooth, which is believed to be of Gautam Buddha.  . This temple is commonly known as the Tooth Relic temple amongst the tourists. . The temple is mostly crowded, specifically during the  Kandy Esala Perahera . So if you like to witness all the tradition, color, music and festival, the month of July-August would be a good time to visit Kandy.

The tooth relic temple
The door behind which the tooth is kept
The painting depicting the story of the Tooth
The temple has many statues of Buddha in white & golden colours, and of different sizes placed in various corners and rooms of the temple. Few of it are gifted by the Kings and Presidents of some countries. Monks are also found to reside inside the temple. The offerings in most of the temples in Sri Lanka are the Lotus flowers, which the devotees themselves pray, and proffer at the feet of Gautam Buddha's statue. The atmosphere is filled with peace and calmness. Once you exit the sanctum, you have a designated area to lit the incense sticks.

Statues of Buddha
8. Tooth relic temple, Kandy ---> Royal Botanical Gardens, Paradeniya : After spending some time in spirituality, we hit the road again. Our next destination was the Royal Botanical Gardens, Paradeniya,_Peradeniya .We reached there in 20-30 mins. They are open 365 days a year, from 7.30am - 5.00pm. . The garden is well maintained. Different species of plants, trees, and flowers can be found with their botanical name and place of origin, written on a board and placed next to it. You will be thrilled with joy on discovering some of the species that you might have never seen before. The garden is filled with greenery and colours. The flowers look unrealistic. You can never take your eye off from its beauty and variety. Tall trees reaching for the skies, with its branches spread far and wide, gives good relief from the heat. There is a green house which exhibits a collection of orchids. The garden is decorated with shapes and sizes made out of flowers, plants, shrubs, creepers, etc. The garden also provides shelter to the lovers and couples seeking some privacy.

The trees of the Royal Botanical Gardens
Creepers forming an arch at the garden
Different colors & variety of flowers
The information board at the green house for Orchids

9. Royal Botanical Gardens, Paradeniya ---> Blue Field Tea Factory, Nuwara Eliya : Filling my camera with pictures of flowers and trees, we said bye to Kandy, and began our journey to the Blue Field Tea Factory in Nuwara Eliya. Located at 6,250 feet above sea level, the location plays a major role in the growth of tea plants. There are many tea factories in Nuwara Eliya. Blue field factory with its estate is located at approximately 2000 feet above sea level in a town called Ramboda. It is also known as Little England due to the close resemblance it has with the English style homes and bungalows. The scenery is quite amazing, with the estates covered in mist, and occasional drizzles. You will feel like you have landed in a piece of heaven. As you near the tea factory, the aroma of tea with its various flavours fills the air. You have a tea cafĂ© and shop near by the factory, where you can taste some of the different variety which you would have had before or even heard of. As a person who don't like tea or coffee, I tasted the Ceylon tea, and fell in love with it. I made sure that I had as many Ceylon tea as I could before I left Sri Lanka. That's the magic of the Ceylon tea. You don't know if its the location, atmosphere, environment, mist, rain or the people that gives the Ceylon tea its uniqueness. But a sip of it, and I am sure you will crave for more.

Blue Field Tea Factory, Ramboda
Inside the tea factory
Different variety of tea leaves
A cup of Ceylon Tea
10. Blue Field Tea Factory, Ramboda ---> Seetha Amman Temple, Seetha Eliya : It was tough leaving behind my favourite cups of tea, and to continue with our journey. However, having purchased my packets of Ceylon tea, with a heavy heart I said bye to Ramboda. Our next destination was the Seetha Amman temple at Seetha Eliya . The temple closes early in the evening, so we had no time to waste, and drove straight to the temple. The temple timings are 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 6.30pm. We were lucky to reach by 5pm, as the distance from Ramboda to Seetha Eliya is hardly 30kms. It took us around 1hr. to reach. The temple is small with a stream flowing behind it. The main idol of the temple is Goddess Sita or Amman as she is commonly known. The place where the temple stands, is believed to be the place where Sita of the Indian mythological epic Ramayana, was abducted by Ravana and brought here some 5000 years ago. The stream gurgling down the rocks is the only sound you can hear in this calm and peaceful surrounding. Nature just wraps you in its arms with its beauty. Mists cover the jungle behind the temple, and slowly it starts moving towards the village as the sun sets. It gets dark soon due to the altitude of the place. So we finished our prayers, and got in the car to our next stop, which was the cottage that we had booked.

The Seetha Amman Temple, Sita Eliya

The stream behind the temple

11. Seetha Amman Temple, Seetha Eliya ---> Mount View Cottage, Nuwara Eliya : The drive from Seetha Eliya to the Mount view cottage in Nuwara Eliya  was a pleasant one, as the roads were amidst tea estates and hence less settlements disturbing the nature. Nestled on the edge of the mountain Pidurutalaga, the cottage gives a splendid view of the tea estates, and the hills near by. Surrounded by lush greenery, wild plants and flowers, birds chirping, and occasional rain, it makes the perfect destination to take a break from the hectic life and unwind. The fresh air that gets into your lungs gives you a new energy from within. The rooms in the cottage are clean and well maintained. There are not many rooms, just 4-5. So if you wish to stay in this serene place, book in advance.

The mount view cottage
The road next to the cottage
12. Mount View Cottage, Nuwara Eliya ---> Mackwoods Labookellie Tea Centre, Labookellie : Rejuvenating ourselves with fresh air, good sleep, and some cup of Ceylon tea, we checked out from the cottage the next day, to proceed to our last stop- Colombo. On the way we stopped at Mackwoods Labookellie Tea Centre, which is around 10kms. away from the cottage. We reached soon, i.e. in 25 mins. Just like the Blue field tea factory, Mackwoods is also a tea manufacturer, with their own teas factory and estates .The tea centre is nothing like the cafes we see in the metropolitan cities. It has a fine English touch to everything, beginning from the architecture of the tea centre, its ambience, its crockeries, the arrangement of the shelves etc. There is nothing native about it except for its tea, the great Ceylon tea. Here also they gave us some variety of tea to taste, after which we were free to explore the shop with its products. The location of the Tea centre is picturesque. Snuggled amidst teas estates and waterfalls, the spot is very attractive and a good choice for getting some pictures clicked.

Mackwoods tea factory
Mackwoods Labookellie Tea Centre
Inside Mackwoods tea centre
The Ceylon tea, tea pot
Tea estates
13. Mackwoods Labookellie Tea Centre, Labookellie ---> Independence Memorial Hall, Colombo :  It was time for us to continue our journey if we didn't want to miss our flight, because the distance to cover was not short. It took us around 4hrs. and 30 mins. to reach the Memorial hall, with the lunch break we took in between. Darkness had set it, when we arrived at the destination, making it difficult to take some good pictures without a tripod. The area is well guarded with military personnel and police as well. A small fear creeps in your mind regarding your safety seeing all the armed guards. In contrast to all these arrangements, you will find people walking and jogging, and families spending their time in the garden within the same premises.

Memorial stone of Colombo
Memorial Hall, Colombo
14. Independence Memorial Hall, Colombo ---> Colombo beach : Reading all the information engraved on the memorial stone, and in other places, we decided to hit the road again. This time we didn't go directly to our next stop. Instead we took a de-tour and drove through the city. The guide took us to a gift and souvenir shop, since we had the thought of a last minute shopping in our mind. At the shop we bought some hand made incense sticks which could burn for an hour or so, and few other small souvenirs to gift our family and friends. Fully satisfied of the purchase, it was time to fill our stomach. It is difficult to find a vegetarian hotel in Colombo, which is open after 9pm. So we ended up going to a fast-food serving cafĂ©. The food was definitely not satisfactory, so was the cleanliness. Since we didn't have any other option, we had to have our dinner there. Thus with an unhappy and un-satisfactory dinner, we drove to the beach. It took us maybe 30 mins to reach. The beach was crowded. There were kites flying in the sky, children playing with the ball, kids playing with the colorful toys they get to buy at the beach, couples taking a stroll by its shores, families chit-chatting and laughing loudly amidst the noise of the waves hitting the shores and the honking vehicles on the road. It looked like the ground of a fair. The beach was lively. Seeing the crowd so joyful, we also decided to participate by buying a kite and flying it. It was a terrific feeling flying it for the first time. Time was thus well spent at the beach.

Colombo beach
Toys sold at Colombo beach
15. Colombo beach ---> Bandaranaike International Airport, Colombo : The time on our watch indicated that we should not delay further, hence once again for the last time in Sri Lanka we got into our car, and off we drove to our last destination- the Bandaranaike International Airport, Colombo, which was an hours drive from there. With a wonderful, happy and positive experience, we thanked the driver cum guide for all his help, gave him some tips which he refused to take, but then accepted due to our insistence. Loading the baggage on the trolley, and saying goodbye to Sri Lanka, we walked towards the flight counter, with satisfaction and content in our heart, of getting to explore a new land and meeting new people. Thus ended our short vacation of Sri Lanka. The experience has been so good that the wish to visit the country again aroused in my heart, and with a silent prayer hoping my wish to come true, we boarded the flight.

  • It is advisable to convert the money to Sri Lankan rupees, at a good exchange at the airport or from your city. 
  • Carry all the toiletries and cosmetics you need in your check-in luggage and not your hand bag.
  • If you have anything to declare at the customs of the Sri Lankan airport, please do so, and don't get involved in any unwanted trouble. If you are unsure that the camera with extra lens, or jewelry, or any expensive item you are carrying needs to be declared, kindly check with the customs officials. They are friendly and will guide you.
  • Book your tour package in advance from the country of your origin, in order to avoid all the chaos of the taxi drivers trying to capture your attention and taking your luggage.
  • If you are travelling in the months of July-August, carry thin cotton clothes, and just 1 or 2 warm clothes/jackets to use in the hill station.
  • The Sri Lankan food in the places we travelled apart from Colombo, has been tasty and good. So don't forget to give it a try. They are not expensive as well.
  • Carry enough of water bottles, and snacks while travelling, since the journey may seem too long when travelling from one place to another, especially in highways, and hills where you will not find hotels/restaurants often.
  • Avoid carrying many baggage's because wherever you travel you will be taking it. Of course, you will be leaving it in the trunk of your car when visiting places, but then you will have to off load and upload them whenever you halt at a resort/hotel. So less luggage more comfort.
  • Don't forget to carry your hat, sun glasses, and sun screen lotions, because the summer is not pleasant.
  • If you are from the state of Tamil Nadu or speak Tamil well, be careful when you are in Sri Lanka, because even though people there know and understand Tamil well, they deny knowing it and even understanding it. Its just a word of caution, Better be careful than sorry. People don't show any hatred or aversion towards tamilites or tamil speaking people, but you can notice the apprehension is always there.
  • The civilians of Sri Lanka, except the city, are very friendly and polite. You can see them always with a smile. They have no hesitations smiling to strangers or any face they see.
  • Since, Sri Lanka's economy survives on tourism, the tourist destinations are well maintained and well-informed.
  • Most of the places you visit like the botanical garden, sigiriya rock, elephant orphanage, cultural shows etc. will have entrance fees. Please check the pic. below. However, I am unsure if its an updated list of 2015.     
  • The Ceylon teas packets are a bit expensive, so if you liked the tea after all the taste testing, buy it from the factory's shop, as you can be sure of its authenticity and taste.
  • There are lots of souvenirs and gifts you can buy from the shops you check out in each place you visit. The vendors selling on the roads will always quote you a high price. So don't hesitate to bargain and grab the best deal.
  • The streets and city retire early for the night, in most of the parts of Sri Lanka. So if you plan to venture after the city/town/village sleeps, carry your ID, and leave all the other valuables at the hotel. Don't carry much cash also.
  • As soon as you land in Sri Lanka, buy a local sim card. Charge it for a nominal amount and carry it wherever you go. The local network is better than all roaming charges and faulty bills you will have to take care of, after you return to your home country.
  • Choose the tour package depending on the places you want to visit in Sri Lanka. Usually, it is divided as leisure, adventure, history, and east, west, north and south. Since its not possible to cover the breadth and width of the country in 4-7 days, you can choose the places which are not far from each other.


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