The Mighty Snore
Wondering why the title has been kept as 'The Mighty Snore'? You will get to know it as you read on. You might even find it amusing. So here is the story, and the reason behind the title. It all began 3 yrs. back, to be precise 2 yr. and 8 months back. If you haven't guessed it yet, it all began after my marriage. Until I got married, I had only heard snorers while travelling in a train, bus or flight. But an unexpected twist happened after my marriage, because the guy I married, turned out to be a big time snorer. There ended my fancy flight in the journey of marriage. Right from day one, or much better night one, I hardly slept, ahem! ahem! Now don't give a flight to your imagination. I couldn't sleep well due to his snores. I was just not used to anyone snoring beside me during my peaceful sleep time, be it at day or night, at any point in my life, until I got married. My husband is a very nice man during the day, but at night he turns into this giant monster who snores heavily keeping his enemies at bay. Lol.. I am the enemy who has problems with his snoring, because in his family his parents are also big time snorers, which makes them his companions in snoring. Due to the sleepless nights I underwent, and am still undergoing because of his snores, I get too tired and a bit moody during the day. There is not a day that I don't crib and whine about his snoring to no one else but himself. Yes, I never complained to anyone about his snoring- to my parents or his parents or even my friends. But now I am writing a blog about it. LOL!! What a change! There have been times when we fought due to his snoring. Every time I asked him to do something to stop his snoring or at least reduce his snoring, the only explanation he gave is that 'it is hereditary'. Such attitude from him used to piss me off to the core. But when you accept a human being in your life, you do so with all their goodness & flaws as well. Hence, my battle with the mighty snore continues... :)
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